Mysts and Magick: Drums, Songs and Stories of Ireland

Drums, Songs & Stories From Ireland
Stories and Story Songs:
- The Silkie
- Eileen McGillicuddy And The Fairy King
- Grace O’Malley The Irish Pirate Queen
- Quit That Racket!
- Finn McCool & Cucullien
- Arthur MacBride
and more!
- The Bodhran
- The Bones
- The Spoons
- The Tin and Wooden whistles

Sound Effects: (played by the audience)
- Fairy Bells
- Thunder Tubes
- Wind Wands
- Banshee Pipes
- Rainsticks
- Ocean Drum
- and more
To book this program now call 203-804-1208 or e-mail mark[at]markshepard.com
See what other DrumSongStory Programs are available for: