I know there is still snow on the ground BUT…It’s Summer Reading Program Booking Time!
Every summer growing up I would check out STACKS of books from my local library and I would read and read and read and read. hmmmm I wonder if that had anything to do with my becoming a storyteller? Nah Probably just a coincidence. :o)
Anyway, since I’ve just moved to the Albany, NY area I’m excited to have so many of the local libraries inviting me to do programs for kids and families this summer. Here’s where you can find me in July:
- July 18th: Northville Library, Beyond the Borders, 10 AM
- July 19th: Canajoharie Library, Trickster Tales, 6 PM
- July 26th: Guilderland Library, Beyond The Borders, 2:00 PM
- July 28th: Colonie Library, The Drum of the Elephant King, 7 PM
Any questions? Please feel free to call 888-598-7709 or email me at mark [at] markshepard.com
or if you would prefer that I contact you, fill out the handy form below! (and click send)