I’ve been invited to share my Bully Proof Kid / Bully Proof Teen Bullying Prevention assemblies, for the Allendale County Schools in Fairfax South Carolina on November 3rd and 4th.
What that means is that I will be in that area and am offering to waive all travel expenses plus give a significant “Block” booking discount to any other schools in the area for November 1, or 2 (also the afternoon of Nov. 3).
For obvious reasons, Monday, October 31 is Halloween and I’ll be far too busy Trick or Treating in my cool new spider man costume to do a program anywhere THAT day but definitely the rest of the week is open. :o)
The Bully Proof Kid / The Bully Proof Teen is a program the does a lot more than tell kids to be nice to each other. This 60 minute assembly teaches the same peak performance “Modern Jedi Mind Mastery” tools that I use with my top athletes to help them keep their calm and cool even in the most high stress competitive moments . It also includes significant amounts of material that I’ve used over the last 20 years to help over 100,000 anxiety and panic attack sufferers (many of whom fit the “target” profile and were bullied as kids).
If you represent a school anywhere along my north south route between Albany NY and Fairfax South Carolina, (eg. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina) and have an interest in empowering your students to learn how to stop the “cycle of bullying” in their present and future lives, please reach out and contact me!
I also have dates available in the Spring or Fall of 2017 if that works better for your calendar.
– Mark